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I2002: Info: FreeProxy requires the ISP Proxy
Product FreeProxy
Versions FreeProxy - all versions up to v2.27. Not applicable to V3 onwards
Note 2002
Date reported 17 July 2001 23 January 2002 4 April 2002

Short Description
My ISP does not have a proxy server

Issue Detail
In FreeProxy what do I enter as the ISP proxy server and port number ?

FreeProxy is technically a tunnel program that tunnels HTTP and other TCP traffic to another proxy server. Another proxy server is actually required to complete the connection. By using another proxy server, FreeProxy only has to make one other connection to pass on the message to the internet.
The ability to connect to internet without the need for a proxy is being developed. See I2001

Here are some suggestions as to how you can connect:

(1) Connect to your ISP's proxy address:
Most ISP's do already have a proxy server. You can test this by using the default port for HTTP proxies, 8080: In the Ports dialog box, use a number such as 8080 for the client port, specify your ISP address (eg msn.com - please use your ISP address) and then 8080 again as the server port. The client port can be any number 1024-65000 as long as its the same as the port number specified in the browser.


(2) Connect to a "Free" proxy server.
There are a number of proxy servers publically accessible over the internet. Please refer to http://tools.rosinstrument.com/proxy/ as good source of this information. For example, here is an extract taken from the listing of proxies on port 8080:

2 stat 1.royalschool.ncn.net 8080 6329 101-09-07
3 stat 10.project-inc.co.jp 8080 6354 101-06-24
4 stat 101.dsl6660174.rstatic.surewest.net 8080 1123 101-09-04
5 stat 8080 3758 101-04-19
6 stat 8080 1691 101-03-08
7 stat 8080 7863 100-12-22
8 stat 8080 14881 101-09-05
9 stat 8080 3784 101-07-06
10 stat 8080 4520 101-04-13
11 stat 8080 6679 101-07-05

In the Ports dialog box of FreeProxy fill in the client port as any number 1024-65000 as long as its the same as the port number specified in the client browser. Select one of the proxy servers from the list. Fill in the proxy server name or IP address in the "ISP address" and use the port number from the list (at the right of the proxy server name/IP address in the list) as the server port. The number to the right of the port number (all 8080 in the above extract) is the number of bytes per second throughput. The last column is the date (101=2001, 102=2002).

Refer I2001. Version 3 removes this restriction.
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