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I2026: CuteFtp
Product: FreeProxy
Versions: FreeProxyClient V3.6 onwards
Note: 2026
Date reported: 19 November 2003

Issue Detail
How do I set up CuteFTP to work with FreeProxy ?

Also see here for setting up CuteFTP Home

You will need version 3.6 or later

In the FreeProxy Control Centre:

Define a FTP Port connection
Select a new port connection, and use the protocol dropdown to select FTP Proxy
Fill in the following:

Note the following:
  • Use Local Binding to protect your network. When doing so, select the address of the local network (not the ISP) from the dropdown list
  • If you decide to use Passive mode then don't select "Allow incoming Port connections ?" (leave it unchecked)
  • If you decide to NOT use Passive mode, then check "Allow incoming Port connections ?" and select your ISP or "Internet" IP address from the dropdown list
  • If you are using one of the Proxy options that require a user name and password (as in SITE hostname shown in the example), you will need to set up a user and password next. To avoid setting up a user id and password, use the "Proxy OPEN" Proxy option (in which case skip the next step). For a full list of compatible options, see the end of this note.

Define a user
If you have used one of the proxy options requiring a Firewall user, then create a user as follows:

You can choose how many users you set up. For example whether you want one user for all FTP access or individual user ids.
Save and restart the proxy
Once the changes have been made, save the file and stop and restart FreeProxy

In CuteFTP
Change the Firewall settings
Select Edit -> Settings
Click on Firewall and fill in the following:

Note the following:
  • MYSERVER is the name or IP address of the server running FreeProxy. Use the name or IP address of YOUR system running FreeProxy here
  • Set the port to the port number of the Client Port of the FreeProxy port definition
  • If necessary, fill in the User ID and Password
  • Select a compatible "Type" to the one set up in the FreeProxy Control Centre (see table below)
  • You MUST check "Enable firewall access"
  • If don't select PASV mode, (if its left blank), then you MUST set "Allow incoming PORT connections" in the FreeProxy control centre. PASV mode is more secure.

Apply the change and make the connection.

Compatible options

Freeproxy "Proxy Option"          CuteFTP "Type"    Requires a FreeProxy User ?
-----------------------           ---------------   ---------------------------
SITE hostname                     SITE site         Yes
USER after logon                  USER with logon   Yes
Proxy OPEN                        OPEN site         No
USER RemoteId@Remotehost          USER user @ site  Yes
USER RemoteID@RemoteHost FireID   USER/PASS/ACCT    Yes

FreeProxy provides a range of options only to be compatible with as many FTP clients as possible. There is no "better" option as the logon overhead is so small its not really measurable. You may elect to use a logon with password or not and that will depend on you.
You MAY select any option however, you MUST ensure both the client and FreeProxy have the same option.

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MemHT Portal is a free software released under the GNU/GPL License by Miltenovik Manojlo