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I2017: HOWTO: Access more than one mail server via FreeProxy
Product: FreeProxy
Versions: All versions
Note: 2017
Date reported: 21 September 2003

Issue Detail
I have more than one mail and/or NNTP server. How do I set up FreeProxy to access all these servers.


Without a proxy server, you connect directly to the internet accessing your email and news servers. However, when accessing your email and news servers through a proxy server you will have to set up the connections differently. FreeProxy now connects directly to the news/email servers and the client software connects to FreeProxy. When there is more than one news/email server to connect to, you can use different ports to distinguish the different servers.

For example, say your email servers are:

    smtp              pop             nntp

mail.ISP1.com    pop.ISP1.com    nntp.ISP1.com
mail.ISP2.com    pop.ISP2.com    nntp.ISP2.com
mail.ISP3.com    pop.ISP3.com    nntp.ISP3.com

SMTP normally connects on port 25
POP usually connects on port 110
NNTP usually connects on port 119

These are conventions and the use of different ports between the client and FreeProxy does not matter. The usual conventions must be used between FreeProxy and the mail or NNTP servers.

The connections required for setting up SMTP would be as follows: 

In the client, such as Outlook Express, set up 3 accounts.
  • For the first account, input the name of the server running FreeProxy for both the pop and smtp servers. Specify 25 as the port for SMTP and 110 as the port for POP.
  • For the second account, input the name of the server running FreeProxy for both the pop and smtp servers. Specify 10025 as the port for SMTP and 10110 as the port for POP.
  • For the third account, input the name of the server running FreeProxy for both the pop and smtp servers. Specify 10026 as the port for SMTP and 10111 as the port for POP.

In FreeProxy, you will need to create 6 port settings, 3 for POP and 3 for SMTP:
   Client port   Server Name     Server Port
1.    25          mail.ISP1.com      25
2.   10025        mail.ISP2.com      25
3.   10026        mail.ISP3.com      25
  Client port   Server Name     Server Port
1.   110          mail.ISP1.com     110
2.   10110        mail.ISP2.com     110
3.   10111        mail.ISP3.com     110

Notice that the client port is used to distinguish the different connections,

When setting up the client, make sure you specify the name of the PC/Server running FreeProxy NOT the name of the mail server. So if the server running FreeProxy is called MYSERVER01, then in Outlook Express you would specify (for example 2 above)

for SMTP
  • Server: MYSERVER01
  • Port: 10025

for POP
  • Server: MYSERVER01
  • Port: 10110

In place of MYSERVER01, put the name of your server. The point being made here is that you do NOT put the name of the mail server (eg: mail.ISP2.com) in Outlook Express (or your mail client). The mail client would then connect to FreeProxy on port 10110 for example and that connection is redirected to port 110 on mail.ISP2.com.

In a similar way you can set up ports 10119, 10120, 10121 etc when connecting to multiple NNTP servers.

If you don't want to use the ports suggested above for the client ports (eg 110, 10110, 10111, 10025, 10026 etc) you can really use any port number as long as its not a well known ports used for something else. Don't use 23 and 21 for example, these are the standard ports for telnet and FTP. In fact don't use any ports 1 to 1024. Use port numbers in the 10000-65000 range. When connecting from FreeProxy to the mail server you MUST use the correct port (25 or 110 or 119).

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