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I2015: HOWTO: Determine the version and build of FreeProxy
Product: FreeProxy
Versions: All versions
Note: 2015
Date reported: 15 Aug 2003, 15 Jan 2004

Issue Detail
How do I determine the version, build number and build date of the FreeProxy/FreeWeb server and the client.


Build Number
All builds after 9 January 2004 (from Jan 10 onwards) include a build number to enable easier identification of releases of FreeProxy. The version number will be increased when significant functionality changes are made. Build numbers will increase sequentially independently of the version number. Not every build will be released and there may well be gaps in the build numbers of subsequently released versions. Higher build numbers will always indicate later releases.

To Determine FreeProxy Server version

From the FreeProxy Control Centre, select Start/Stop, and "Start Freeproxy in Console mode" and a list something like this will be displayed:

Free proxy server for 98/Me/NT/2000/XP V3.61/1000
(c) Hand-Crafted Software, 2003
Built on: Jan 15 2004 at 20:15:47
Reading Parameters from 'q:freeproxytest361.cfg'
Thu 15 Jan 2004 20:16:25 : #1003: Startup OS Version: Windows 2000
Thu 15 Jan 2004 20:16:25 : #1003: Startup Build : 2195
Thu 15 Jan 2004 20:16:25 : #1003: Startup : Service Pack 4
Thu 15 Jan 2004 20:16:25 : #1003: Startup FreeProxy Version 3.61, Build: 1000, Built on: Jan 15 2004 at 18:45:02
Thu 15 Jan 2004 20:16:25 : #1003: Startup Listening for connections...

The highlighted text shows the version and build information. V3.61/1000 is version 3.61, build 1000. A build date follows. The information is repeated.

To determine the FreeProxy Control Centre (client) version
From the Control Centre, select Help - About and the version and build number is displayed. The build number is also shown in the splash screen.

Please upgrade to the latest version of FreeProxy.
Hand-Crafted Software.
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