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I2014: 10055 WSAENOBUFS in the log
Product: FreeProxy
Versions: All versions up to and including V3.62
Note: 2014
Date reported: 15 August 2003, 25 Mar 2004

Issue Detail
The symptom of the problem is either errors on the web page or the browser reporting that it cannot connect. After setting the log level to 'log everything' you get the following message or similar in the log:

<date> : #10055: WSAENOBUFS: No buffer space available. Function: connect(), Port Number = 80

<date> : #1004: Trace: Cannot connect to '<web site>'. Either the host does not exist or the service is not available.

This problem has been rectified by V3.70. If the problem persists in V3.7 or later please read the text below.

FreeProxy is reporting a WINSOCK (Windows Sockets) error. The error indicates that there are no more resources available to it to complete the connect (or other) TCP interface function. This will typically occur under any individual or combination of the following conditions:
  • Not enough system memory
  • Too many connections
  • Too many processes running on the computer with FreeProxy
  • Too much activity on the server for it to handle
  • Too slow a processor resulting in a backlog of message processing
This error is more likely to occur in Windows 98 than some of the higher functioning operating systems like Windows 2000.

Possible actions include:
  • Increasing memory
  • Removing unnecessary processes
  • Consider dedicating the server to Proxy processing only
  • Upgrading the server

Under Windows 98, you can also increase the number of connections by making a registry change. Be careful when making changes to the registry as changing the wrong key or accidentally deleting a key may render your system unusable.
  1. Start the registry editor from the command line (regedit)
  2. Locate the following key
  3. Change the number of connections to a higher value (the default is 100)
  4. Change the maxconnections field to MaxConnections=500
    Insert the value if it does not exist. Note, this is a string type.
  5. Further information can be found in

Please upgrade to the latest version of FreeProxy.
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