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I2009: Info: MSN Messenger not connecting via proxy servers
Product: FreeProxy
Versions: MSN prior to version 6.1. Later versions not affected by this problem.
Note: 2009 - Superceded by note 2049
Date reported: 8 May 2003

Issue Detail
MSN messenger (MSNM) allows you to connect via a proxy server however fails to connect
with the proxy settings set to point to an HTTP proxy.

There appears to be a bug in MSNM. Even though you specify the proxy port number, MSNM still attempts to contact the proxy on port 80 for certain messages, regardless of which port number you specify in the proxy settings.

The workaround is given below but cannot be implemented if you run a WEB SERVER on the
same system.

The workaround is as follows.
1. In FreeProxy, define the port 8080 (or whichever client port you use) - 'The client port'.
2. In FreeProxy also define an additional port 80 (it MUST be 80) - 'the MSN port'

So you now have 2 ports defined, your usual client port (using whatever client port number you have defined) AND an MSN port with a client port of 80.

In MSNM, define the proxy port as 'the client port'. So there you'd put 8080 or whatever you defined as the client port NUMBER in FreeProxy.

The downside of this work-around is that you cannot also use a web server (FreeWeb or any other web server) as the 'normal' port for a web server is port 80.

Please use V3.5 or later. MSN can be connected using the SOCKS5 port type.
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